Music Instruction
Enrichment Music Instruction
Registration for summer 2024 is open.
Registration for the 2024–25 school year will open on August 26. Lessons start the week of September 16.
Waynflete的丰富音乐教学计划为2-12年级的学生和成人(初学者和高级音乐家)提供个人或小组器乐和声乐课程. 该项目对韦恩弗莱特家庭以及来自更广泛社区的学生和成年人开放. 新巴黎人注册网站的导师是具有音乐教育学位的专业音乐家和/或表演录音艺术家, composers, concert musicians, and teachers spanning all musical genres, including classical, folk, jazz, and rock.
Options for the summer session (May 28–August 2) allows for four-lesson, six-lesson, and eight-lesson packages. The number of lessons should be determined before registration. 错过的课程将不会退款,并且课程不能在包的末尾添加. All lessons take place on campus and are taught in person. 参加Waynflete夏令营的学生需要在夏令营时间之外安排课程.
Read instructor profiles below. Register for lessons after you have determined a schedule with an instructor. Contact Director of Performing Arts Mary Jane Pagenstecher with any questions.
How to register
通过电子邮件联系个别音乐导师,安排具体的课程时间(见下面的导师简介和联系信息). Questions about the program or instructors? Contact Director of Performing Arts Mary Jane Pagenstecher.
Once you have arranged a lesson day and time with the Instructor, register online and pay by credit card (VISA or Mastercard). 音乐课将在学生注册并用信用卡全额支付学费后开始. No cash or checks. Questions about registration? Contact .
Register for lessons (after setting up arrangements with an instructor)
Rates and policies
Denise Calkins (piano)
With a degree in music from the University of Southern Maine, Denise has over 20 years of experience teaching, performing, accompanying, and directing music in the Greater Portland Area. In addition to teaching private lessons at Waynflete, Denise accompanies the school’s choruses, musical productions, and vocal soloists. 她喜欢在Waynflete和她的家庭工作室与各种各样的私人学生一起工作.
Kelly Caufield (voice)
Kelly Caufield was born and raised in the great state of Maine. Kelly began her musical journey at Schoolhouse Arts Center in Sebago Lake, 在哪里,她抓住了音乐剧的“bug”,并在青春期到成年的大部分时间里,尽可能多地出演音乐剧! 作为南缅因大学音乐学院一名冉冉升起的音乐系学生, Kelly studied with Ellen Chickering and Edward Reichert. 接下来的十年是波特兰球员的美好表演, College Light Opera Company, the Boothbay Opera House, Portland Symphony Orchestra, Bangor Symphony Orchestra, The North Shore Philharmonic, Maine ProMusica Orchestra, Music Doing Good (out of Houston, Texas), Portland’s Good Theater among many others. 此前,凯利是希伯伦学院的声乐总监,目前 runs a private voice studio, The Intuitive Voice, where she specializes in finding the voice, 然后将古典声乐技巧与音乐剧和流行曲目融合在一起.
Dale Churchill (piano)
戴尔在波士顿马萨诸塞大学获得音乐学士学位,辅修音乐教育,在搬到缅因州之前曾在波士顿地区任教. He has had an extensive career as a pianist, director, and teacher. 他在新巴黎人注册网站、波特兰音乐学院和他的私人工作室任教.
Mike Dank (drums, rhythm section, rock band)
Mike Dank’s extensive musical career inspires his work with students. 他花了超过35年的时间新巴黎人注册网站、巡回演出和教学. Mike taught drums at Waynflete from 1988–1992. 他休息了一段时间,专注于自己的音乐,周游全国,录制唱片. 2002年,他带着新的见解和对吉他教学的热爱回到了韦恩弗莱特, bass, and drums to students as well as rock ensembles.
Kris Day (guitar, ukulele, bass, upright bass)
克里斯在波特兰地区教音乐超过二十年,并在38个州演出, Europe and Canada. He has performed with rock ’n roll legends Link Wray, Ronnie Dawson & Dale Hawkins among others. 克里斯保持了一个存在的区域音乐现场表演在各种合奏的情况下和音乐风格. As a member of award-winning local bands King Memphis, Jerks of Grass, Cajun Aces, and Hot Club of Portland, 克里斯有机会参加音乐会,为B.B. King to Little Feat to Boyz II Men. 克里斯喜欢教所有年龄和技能水平的人音乐,他觉得每个人都可以从新巴黎人注册网站演奏乐器中受益.
Gene Gill (saxophone, beginning winds, beginning brass)
吉恩·吉尔今年秋天加入韦恩弗莱特音乐系,担任器乐和普通音乐教师. 吉恩在中学和高中指挥爵士乐团,教六年级的普通音乐. 吉恩毕业于亚利桑那州立大学,在缅因州的巴尔港开始了他的教学生涯. 他最近搬到了波特兰地区,作为一个有爵士乐经验的萨克斯演奏家,他有更多的表演机会, pop, rock, and classical music.
Eddie Holmes (piano)
钢琴教师艾迪·霍姆斯(Eddie Holmes)担任K-5通用音乐班的教师已经5年了 & Chorus teacher in the Lower School. Eddie在葛底斯堡学院的桑德曼音乐学院获得音乐教育学士学位,主修钢琴,并有九年的私人教学经验. 他专门帮助年轻的音乐家开始新巴黎人注册网站钢琴,并经常在每节课中加入打击乐和歌唱. 此外,他喜欢将音乐理论,作曲和歌曲创作融入他的课程. Eddie能够教授和指导古典,爵士和流行流派以及声乐伴奏.
Suzanne (Sue) Remillard (voice and piano)
Michael Sabin (trumpet, trombone, euphonium)
Michael是一名专业的长号演奏家和铜管老师,他最近搬到了波特兰. 迈克尔在波士顿附近长大,从高中起就一直在该地区演出, where he garnered experience freelancing in the jazz, pop, funk, indie, and classical scenes. 他有许多不同层次和年龄的铜管学生,并在波士顿地区的许多学校担任讲师. 迈克尔是新英格兰音乐学院的一名学生,在那里他获得了爵士长号演奏的硕士学位. He was fortunate to work with incredible teachers like Jason Moran, John Lockwood, and Marshall Gilkes. Michael teaches lessons in trumpet, trombone, and euphonium.